
So it's May 2, 1945 and a lot of good things are happening over in Europe, the Russians have captured Berlin, the BBC announced Hitler's death, the Germans surrendered in Italy, Betty had a boy and you have to rush home because it's flag day in Poland and the maid has the afternoon off. This guy at the studio just went on and on about Berlin and how much fun he had there in '36, so you're late and the damn elevator seems to be stuck. You take the stairway, rushing down two or three steps at a time and, wouldn't you know it? There's this bunch of guys going to a National session, blocking your path and having fun as you leap down to get home before Lechsinska leaves...

... so what's your excuse going to be? That you missed the bus because Art Blakey, Tommy Potter, Budd Johnson, Junior Williams, Fats Navarro, Chippy Outcalt, Billy Eckstine and Gene Ammons wouldn't let you pass?

Lechsinska will never buy that.


The Armstrong file (a further look)

This is just to keep the Armstrong file thread alive. Additional letters were posted Sunday, April 18, '10. If you missed the previous posts from this file, start here.

Enlarge images by clicking on them.


The Day Lady Died (Frank O'Hara poem)

To hear John Updike's reading, click on the link below and scroll down to audio button.

Last week was Billie's birthday, the Alfred Knopf people have posted Frank O'Hara's wonderful poem, "The Day Lady Died" as read by John Updike—so here is a link to it. Just below the last stanza is a button that will get you the audio.


Central Park on this day (photo)

...some liner notes, that is. It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I would at least take a picture from my window, This is how my part of Central Park looked Tuesday morning. The distant bridge is the Triboro (now called the R. F. Kennedy Bridge). The mountain-like heap on the right is what is left of several trees that blew down a few months back.

Now I must return to my liner note deadlines, one of which just passed. When I return, there will be some loose ends re John Hammond and more recollections of some kind. I may even open up that envelope from Lonnie Johnson.