
'tis Autumn

From my apartment's windows, Central Park (my front yard for nearly half a century) tells me that Autumn 2010 is here. The bridge seen just to the left of the cranes is the Triboro, now unwisely renamed the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge—I have yet to hear anyone call it that, however. Now, why did Mt. Sinai Hospital have to erect that eyesore of an unimaginative building? Click on the photo to enlarge it.


  1. crikey i'm jealous.

    the only people who call it the RFK are the radio traffic reporters, no doubt under orders from mgmt.

  2. I have no problem with the change to the RFK bridge - it was a noble gesture to a man who reached out to many different people in the country just as the bridge reaches three different boros - don't be so astringent!!
