
An apology...

They did not end up in the circular file! I apologize to visitors who wrote comments here in recent months and never saw them posted. I wondered why nobody had anything to say, but that turns out to have been my fault. This morning I discovered that nothing is posted unless I approve it, so I found and read all your comments (about 40), approving all but one, a spam. They are now all published where you placed them, and I will, little by little, respond to all that require an answer. Thank you all, very much. — Chris

1 comment:

  1. Chris, thank you for this blog and for your comments on Robert Knight and his paramour, Pamela Somers. It is appreciated. Ms. Somers seems to have an obsession with Robert Knight that is unhealthy. She used to obsess about Samori Marksman, the former PD @ WBAI. He was someone who everyone was afraid to criticize lest they come under the wrath of Ms. Somers. Marksman, IMO, was a deranged Marxist who was a REAL bully. Many people @ WBAI are relieved he is no longer around. He was responsible for the current legacy of mess @ the station with his far left policies and programming ideas.
