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The Armstrong File ($64,000 Question)

Before you proceed, you should know that these four letters are accessible in a more readable size here.

This is a further exchange between George Avakian and Joe Glaser, both of whom obviously were following the $64,000 Question on TV. Of course they have a special interest in contestant Kershaw, a Reverend whose subject is jazz. This was early on in the show's life, before the scandal broke out and we learned that some contestants were encouraged to cheat, with help from the producers. There are many more letters in this file and I will get to them all, eventually. In the meantime, mea culpa for neglecting this thread. If you need to go back to earlier entries, click here and read how the file landed in my lap. Each post has a link to the next. 


  1. Is that information somewhere in the letters or clippings? What are you referring to with a smile, Michael?

  2. Yes,in the Nov. 10, 1955 letter -- Glaser says that the Rev. didn't know that Basie played piano until someone in the audience yelled it out.

  3. Thanks, Michael, I guess they forgot to feed him that startling fact!

  4. Hi Chris,

    The two comments above are from the Bruno Leicht stalker.


  5. Thank you, Kurt. You mean the comments formerly above :)

  6. Yessir!

    They are just two other aliases of the "Hines" persona. Thanks for removing them. The sick fellow has terrorized the jazz blogosphere long enough, hasn't he?

