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Ruby: Sobering experience in New Orleans

When I began posting excerpts from my 1971 interviews with Ruby Walker, Bessie's niece by marriage, I warned that some of them would contain explicit language and sensitive subject matter. This is one such segment, a somewhat graphic recollection of the kind that prompted Sony/Columbia Records to slap a "Parental Advisory" label on the box when some of these excerpts were issued on CD as part of the five volume Bessie Smith set.

Essentially, it is about the boy in the boat giving Ruby the nickname, "Hi-top." It wasn't banned in Boston, but I suspect that it might not sit too well with elected officials in Kansas, if you get my drift.

As usual, I welcome your comments, favorable or not.


  1. Chris,
    38 years since we did those Monday night tapings? Egads! Lots of water under many bridges.
    Be well, and keep up the good work.
    Peter Anderson
    (Not as anonymous as the heading may state)

  2. This series has been riveting so far; looking forward to this (and any more you are willing to share)
